domingo, 9 de agosto de 2020



The PRESHISTORY is the longest stage in the History of Humanity, although the term prehistory is also used to designate the discipline that is responsible for studying from the emergence of the first human beings (approximately 2.5 million years ago) until the invention of writing, which arises for the first time in either the cuneiform in Mesopotamia in 3 500 BC. with cuneiform writing, or in Egypt, with hieroglyphic writing.

The lack of written documents to study this period forces the Prehistoric researcher to base his study on other sources, such as material remains, utensils, weapons, paintings and human remains.
The support of the other auxiliary sciences is vital to complete the study.

Prehistory is divided into two stages the STONE AGE and THE METAL AGE.

It is called the Stone Age because it is this, the stone, the material most used by humans, and those that have undoubtedly been able to stand the test of time. Do not forget that bones, wood, leather, among other materials that have disappeared over time were also used.

In turn, this age is subdivided into Paleolithic, Mesolithic (this period is often not mentioned), Neolithic that we will study next.

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