jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

Trees And Terrain

   I actually finished all of these in the last week of June, but scheduled this post to come up later for some reason. Anyway, one of the things I have been pushing out lately is a good bit of terrain. Mostly adding to existing stocks because I don't have enough trees and such.

A tray full of trees!
I use this cheap plastic tray to carry minis and spray them with clear coat. Then I can move them back into the air conditioned spaces in the house to keep the clear coat from getting all cloudy as happens in humid conditions. Like Houston is, eight days a week.

Bamboo stands. Need a lot more of these, not as tall mostly.
Primarily for 15mm jungles, Flames of War Pacific, etc.

Regular old deciduous trees. Just some cheap Chinese
model railroad trees and basing.

Same as above, but palm trees in the desert.
Again, need to do more for jungles too.

Flowering model railroad trees.

These are a bit different to my usual. Wire trunks.
I like them. Mostly I like a bit of variety.

Runestones from Fenris Games. Unlike the earlier ones painted for Frostgrave, these are two in
a temperate/verdant scheme and one in a desert.

A third Team Yankee minefield and emergence tunnels for the giant worms I shared a few days ago.

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